
Linux ³£ÓÃÏÂÁîÈ«Æ´

pwd:print work directory ´òÓ¡Ä¿½ñĿ¼ ÏÔʾ³öÄ¿½ñÊÂÇéĿ¼µÄ¾ø¶Ô·¾¶

 ps: process status(Àú³Ì״̬£¬ÀàËÆÓÚwindowsµÄʹÃüÖÎÀíÆ÷) 


 ps -auxf ÏÔʾÀú³Ì״̬

 df: disk free Æ书ЧÊÇÏÔʾ´ÅÅÌ¿ÉÓÿռäÊýÄ¿ÐÅÏ¢¼°¿Õ¼ä½áµãÐÅÏ¢¡£»»¾ä»°Ëµ£¬¾ÍÊDZ¨¸æÔÚÈκÎ×°ÖõÄ×°±¸»òĿ¼ÖУ¬»¹Ê£¼¸¶à×ÔÓɵĿռä¡£

du: Disk usage 

rpm£º¼´RedHat Package Management£¬ÊÇRedHatµÄ·¢Ã÷Ö®Ò» 

rmdir£ºRemove Directory£¨É¾³ýĿ¼£©


 cat: concatenate Á¬Ëø

 cat file1file2>>file3 °ÑÎļþ1ºÍÎļþ2µÄÄÚÈÝÍŽáÆðÀ´·Åµ½file3ÖÐ

 insmod: install module,ÔØÈëÄ£¿é

ln -s : link -soft ½¨ÉèÒ»¸öÈíÁ´½Ó£¬Ï൱ÓÚ½¨ÉèÒ»¸ö¿ì½Ý·½·¨

mkdir£ºMake Directory(½¨ÉèĿ¼)


 man: Manual 

su£ºSwith user(Çл»Óû§)

cd£ºChange directory  

ls£ºList files  

ps£ºProcess Status  

mkdir£ºMake directory  

rmdir£ºRemove directory  

mkfs: Make file system  

fsck£ºFile system check  

uname: Unix name 

lsmod: List modules 

mv: Move file 

rm: Remove file 

cp: Copy file 

ln: Link files 

fg: Foreground 

bg: Background 

chown: Change owner 

chgrp: Change group

chmod: Change mode  

umount: Unmount 

dd: Ô­À´Ó¦Æ¾Ö¤Æ书ЧÐÎò¡°Convert an copy¡±ÃüÃûΪ¡°cc¡±£¬µ«¡°cc¡±ÒѾ­±»ÓÃÒÔ´ú±í¡°CComplier¡±£¬ÒÔÊÇÃüÃûΪ¡°dd¡±

tar£ºTape archive £¨´Å´øµµ°¸£©

ldd£ºList dynamic dependencies  

insmod£ºInstall module  

rmmod£ºRemove module  

lsmod£ºList module 

Îļþ×îºóµÄ”rc”£¨Èç.bashrc¡¢.xinitrcµÈ£©£ºResource configuration 

Knnxxx /Snnxxx£¨Î»ÓÚrcx.dĿ¼Ï£©£ºK£¨Kill£©£»S(Service)£»


.a£¨À©Õ¹Ãûa£©£ºArchive£¬static library  

.so£¨À©Õ¹Ãûso£©£ºShared object£¬dynamically linked library  

.o£¨À©Õ¹Ãûo£©£ºObject file£¬complied result of C/C++ source file  

RPM£ºRed hat package manager  

dpkg£ºDebian package manager 

apt£ºAdvanced package tool£¨Debian»ò»ùÓÚDebianµÄ¿¯ÐаæÖÐÌṩ£©


bin = Binaries (¶þ½øÖÆÎļþ)

/dev = Devices (×°±¸)

/etc = Etcetera (µÈµÈ)

/lib = LIBrary  

/proc = Processes 

/sbin = Superuser Binaries (³¬µÈÓû§µÄ¶þ½øÖÆÎļþ)

/tmp = Temporary (ÔÝʱ)

/usr = Unix Shared Resources 

/var = Variable (±äÁ¿) 

FIFO = First In, First Out 

GRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader 

IFS= Internal Field Seperators 

LILO = LInux LOader 

MySQL = My ÊÇ×î³õ×÷ÕßÅ®¶ùµÄÃû×Ö£¬

SQL = Structured QueryLanguage  

PHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP HypertextPreprocessor 

PS = Prompt String     

Perl = “Pratical Extraction and Report Language”(ÏÖʵµÄ³éÈ¡ºÍ±¨¸æÓïÑÔ) =”Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister” 

Python µÃÃûÓÚµçÊÓ¾çMonty Python’s Flying Circus 

Tcl = Tool Command Language  

Tk = ToolKit 

VT = Video Terminal 

YaST = Yet Another Setup Tool

apache = “a patchy” server 

apt = Advanced Packaging Tool 

ar = archiver 

as = assembler

awk = “Aho Weiberger and Kernighan”Èý¸ö×÷ÕßµÄÐյĵÚÒ»¸ö×Öĸ

bash = Bourne Again SHell 

bc = Basic (Better) Calculator 

bg = BackGround 

biff = ×÷ÕßHeidiStettnerÔÚU.C.BerkelyÑøµÄÒ»Ìõ¹·,ϲ»¶¶ÔÓʵÝÔ±ÍôÍô½Ð¡£

cal = Calendar (ÈÕÀú)

cat = Catenate (Á´½Ó)

cd = Change Directory 

chgrp = Change Group 

chmod = Change Mode 

chown = Change Owner 

chsh = Change Shell 

cmp = compare  

cobra = Common Object Request BrokerArchitecture 

comm = common 

cp = Copy 

cpio = CoPy In and Out

cpp = C Pre Processor 

cron = Chronos Ï£À°ÎÄʱ¼ä

cups = Common Unix Printing System 

cvs = Current Version System 

daemon = Disk And Execution MONitor 

dc = Desk Calculator 

dd = Disk Dump (´ÅÅÌת´¢)

df = Disk Free 

diff = Difference 

dmesg = diagnostic message 

du = Disk Usage 

ed = editor 

egrep = Extended GREP 

elf = Extensible Linking Format 

elm = ELectronic Mail 

emacs = Editor MACroS 

eval = EVALuate 

ex = EXtended 

exec = EXECute (Ö´ÐÐ)

fd = file descriptors 

fg = ForeGround

fgrep = Fixed GREP 

fmt = format 

fsck = File System ChecK 

fstab = FileSystem TABle 

fvwm = F*** Virtual Window Manager 

gawk = GNU AWK 

gpg = GNU Privacy Guard 

groff = GNU troff 

hal = Hardware Abstraction Layer 

joe = Joe’s Own Editor 

ksh = Korn SHell 

lame = Lame Ain’t an MP3 Encoder 

lex = LEXical analyser 

lisp = LISt Processing = Lots of IrritatingSuperfluous Parentheses 


ln = Link

lpr = Line PRint 

ls = list 

lsof = LiSt Open Files 

m4 = Macro processor Version 4 

man = MANual pages 

mawk = Mike Brennan’s AWK

mc = Midnight Commander 

mkfs = MaKe FileSystem 

mknod = Make Node 

motd = Message of The Day 

mozilla = MOsaic GodZILLa 

mtab = Mount TABle 

mv = Move 

nano = Nano’s ANOther editor 

nawk = New AWK  

nl = Number of Lines 

nm = names 

nohup = No HangUP 

nroff = New ROFF 

od = Octal Dump 

passwd = Passwd

pg = pager 

pico = PIne’s message COmposition editor 

pine = “Program for Internet News &Email” = “Pine is not Elm” 

ping = ÄâÉù ÓÖ = Packet Internet Grouper 

pirntcap = PRINTer CAPability 

popd = POP Directory

pr = pre 

printf = Print Formatted 

ps = Processes Status 

pty = pseudo tty 

pushd = PUSH Directory 

pwd = Print Working Directory 

rc = runcom = run command, rcÕÕ¾Éplan9µÄshell 

rev = REVerse 

rm = ReMove  

rn = Read News 

roff = RunOFF 

rpm = RPM Package Manager = RedHat PackageManager 

rsh, rlogin, rvimÖеÄ

r = Remote 

rxvt = ouR XVT 

seamoneky = ÎÒ

sed = Stream Editor 

seq = SEQuence 

shar = Shell ARchive 

slrn = S-Lang rn 

ssh = Secure Shell

ssl = Secure Sockets Layer 

stty = Set TTY 

su = Substitute User 

svn = SubVersion 

tar = Tape ARchive 

tcsh = TENEX C shell  

tee = T (TÐÎË®¹Ü½Ó¿Ú) 

telnet = TEminaL over Network 

termcap = terminal capability 

terminfo = terminal information 

tex = ¦Ó?¦Ö¦Í¦ÇµÄËõд£¬Ï£À°ÎÄart 

tr = traslate 

troff = Typesetter new ROFF 

tsort = Topological SORT 

tty = TeleTypewriter 

twm = Tom’s Window Manager 

tz = TimeZone 

udev = Userspace DEV 

ulimit = User’s LIMIT 

umask = User’s MASK 

uniq = UNIQue

i = VIsual = Very Inconvenient 

vim = Vi IMproved 

wall = write all 

wc = Word Count   

wine = WINE Is Not an Emulator 

xargs = eXtended ARGuments 

xdm = X Display Manager 

xlfd = X Logical Font Description 

xmms = X Multimedia System 

xrdb = X Resources DataBase 

xwd = X Window Dump 

yacc = yet another compiler compiler 

Fish = the Friendly Interactive SHell 

su = Switch User 

MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 

ECMA = European Computer ManufacturersAssociation








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