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The suspect in the apparent assassination of US Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida’s West Palm Beach is 58-year-old Ryan Routh, to federal officials. Routh was taken into custody by police on Sunday after what the FBI has called a assassination attempt targeting Trump.

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Routh was born in 1966 and has been living in Hawaii, CNN reported. He has arrests on his for offences and at one point was working as a worker in North Carolina, according to the news network. An on the X social platform purported to be Routh’s had a large number of posts condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, messages calling for foreign soldiers to defend Ukraine, according to CNN. The profile has since been suspended.

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The New York Times reported on Sunday the paper had interviewed Routh in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to the war in Ukraine.

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Routh had no military and claimed that he had traveled to the himself in 2022 to recruit Afghan soldiers to there, according to the newspaper.

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CNN said that authorities were looking into Routh’s to try to what his motives might have been.

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In 2020, Routh made a social media post backing Trump’s re-election, but in more recent years his posts have expressed for US President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, the 2024 election Democratic nominee. Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw told reporters at a briefing that authorities had found an AK-style rifle with a scope, two backpacks and a GoPro camera at the site of the incident.

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The apparent attempt on Trump’s life came just two months after he was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania, sustaining a minor to his right ear.

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Both incidents highlight the challenges of keeping presidential candidates safe in a hotly contested and polarided campaign with just over seven weeks to go before the November 5 election. It was not clear if or how the suspect knew Trump was playing golf at the time, but the attempted was sure to new questions about the of he is given.

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